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Mold Growth In An Attic

Many of our clients call us because they worry about mold growth in their attic. A general home inspector will often do a visual inspection and notice potential growth. They can notify the customer, but they cannot tell them more as they are not experts. It is best to address a serious mold problem in your attic. However, it may not be as severe as you think.

It is important to understand that every attic has a normal amount mold growth. We don’t recommend that you take an air sample from an attic as it is considered to be a non-living environment. Although it is beneficial to view the results of these samples, they will almost always return at least slightly elevated according the industry guidelines.

We prefer to inspect the attic thoroughly. If we find any problems, we will recommend that we take a sample of the surface to identify the species. We are particularly concerned about rare species of mold such as Chaetomium or Stachybotrys, and more common species such Penicillium Aspergillus in high concentrations. These problems are indicative of a problem in the area.

Attic Mold Growth

Mold can only grow if there is moisture or water intrusion. A roof leak is the most common cause of mold growth in an attic. You may also suspect poor ventilation. This area can be very humid, and it is important to have vents that allow the humidity to escape. These types of problems are more common in winter than summer, although you may not be aware. You will likely see a lot of mold growth due to the extreme temperature differences.

Attic Mold Removal

Owings Mills mold removal from your attic is a much cheaper job than hiring a professional. Because it is not a living environment, we can treat this area differently. Mold remediation professionals will take extra precautions to prevent the spread of mold to your home. They may use negative pressure and set up containment areas. The attic is already sealed so you only need to clean it with anti-microbial products.

Don’t panic if mold growth has been discovered by you or your home inspector in an attic. You may find that the mold is not as severe as you thought. It is possible for these problems to affect indoor living environments. If the situation is severe enough to require professional remediation, we recommend that an air sample be taken from the house to determine if it has spread. To speak with a customer representative, call us at (410) 280-7271.

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