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Top 10 Unusual Mold Facts That You Should Know

Mold, a fungus similar to yeast and mushrooms, plays an important role in the breakdown of organic matter. Mold can grow on wood, paper, fabric and cardboard. Although mold characteristics can vary, you will find this fungus in many buildings and homes. Although most molds are benign, they can cause serious health problems and may even damage the foundation of your home.

Different types of mold

There are over 100,000 species of molds in the world. However, most can be classified under three main types, as shown below.


According to mold statistics, allergenic molds are the least hazardous. They can be problematic for people with asthma and allergies, as they can trigger attacks.


This mold can cause serious health problems, even for people who have not been diagnosed with any of the conditions.


Because it produces mycotoxin, this mold type can cause serious health problems. Toxigenic molds can cause temporary problems like eye irritation and a cough, or more permanent conditions such as cancer and neurological disorders.

Interesting Mold Facts

Molds are not something homeowners consider friends. It is understandable that molds are not a friend to many homeowners. However, there are many interesting facts about molds that you may be surprised, amazed, or astounded by simply because you didn’t know. Another interesting fact is that mold comes in different colors, like there is orange mold, black mold, and other types of mold. Here are some interesting facts about mold that will inspire you to take another look at this common household fungus.

1. Molds can be eaten

Mold is a common food for cheese-lovers. Blue cheese’s active spores, which are responsible for its rich flavor, are made up of these active spores.

2. Dead Molds Are Deadly

Even after they are destroyed, live mold spores can cause health problems that could last for many years. Molds can cause allergies, irritations, and toxic substances.

3. Molds have brains

The Physarum Polycephalum mold species doesn’t have a brain, but it does use its chemical processes to solve problems, and help in the organism’s survival. Researchers have found that this slimy mold, commonly known as the “blob”, can be trained to achieve a goal. Molds can also grow in hostile environments. However, they will usually find a safe area to hide and grow.

4. Molds are like dirty lawns

Unmanaged lawns can be a breeding ground for mold, particularly if they are full of dead leaves and other debris. This can increase pollution and trigger allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to mold.

5. Molds can be used as medicines

This is one of the many facts about molds that you shouldn’t be surprised to learn, especially if your are a serious student in science. Penicillium Chrysogenum is a common indoor mold that has been recognized internationally since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, an antibiotic.

6. Molds can walk

While a walking mold may sound exaggerated, there are molds that can actually take the form of slime and have real mobility functions. These molds can sense the environment and alter their course to avoid danger. Some molds also have weird texture. For example, orange fuzzy mold is strange and is generally an interesting fact for people.

7. WHO-Certified Molds

Eight years ago, the World Health Organization declared molds as having contributed significantly to numerous health problems such as cancer, asthma and miscarriages. WHO stated that mold does not directly cause death but that it weakens immunity so that more serious diseases may develop.

8. Molds are asexual

Microorganisms such as fungi or algae can reproduce sexually, just like plants and animals. Although progenies inherit the genes of both parents, they can also acquire new properties. However, with fungi sexual reproduction occurs through the spores. Sometimes, offspring spores can only bear genes from one parent fungus. Penicillium Chrysogenum is an exception to this rule. Scientists have long recognized that Penicillium Chrysogenum has the “sex genes”.

9. Molds are not covered

It will be disappointing to say the least, but most insurance policies do not cover mold damage. Neglecting to maintain mold is also not covered by insurance. However, mold remediation is covered if it was caused by an accident such as fire, lightning or other sudden events.

10. Molds Like Christmas

The Yuletide season is one of the most fascinating mold facts. Mold is often found on fresh pine trees that have been taken from the outdoors and brought inside. White cankers are a sign of this, as they can penetrate wood and branches. Indoor pollution can be caused by Cytospora, which is a mold that prefers spruce tree trees.

Artificial trees can be used to stop molds entering your home. However, if you want to keep live Christmas trees alive, it is a good idea to first remove any mold spores by washing them off and then bringing them inside.

The Key Takeaway

Although molds can cause problems when they grow in your home, you might still consider getting a fact sheet on the subject. You might be shocked to learn that molds can be found in your home, and that certain mold types could be thinking the exact same thoughts as your neighbor. You might be celebrating Christmas with molds every year, or your insurance won’t cover any mold-related home damage. These are some of the most shocking mold facts you will ever hear. A mold removal specialist is a good choice if you are unsure what to do about molds, despite the danger they pose.

A professional can provide advice about how to deal with molds in your house. Molds, despite their many fascinating properties, can cause serious damage to your home’s structure and expose you to health risks. Mold remediation experts will help you eliminate them in a safe and effective manner. A highly skilled mold remediation professional team uses modern technology and tools to remove all molds from your home. Get our top-quality services by calling them today.